Portland homeowner forced to plant trees because of kitchen remodel project

A Portland woman has to plant five trees outside of her home or she'll face a $1,000 per tree fine.

Lori Colbert received a letter from the city demanding she plants the trees by July 19 because her kitchen remodel costs more than $25,000. If she doesn't comply, she faces a $5,000 fine, plus a charge from the city to come out and do the work themselves.

"It's frustrating that the city would do this, making me spend extra money, you know, I've saved for a kitchen remodel, I'm sure my property taxes are going to go up and now I have to come up with additional money, " said Colbert.

Mark Ross with the city's parks bureau confirmed this is part of the city's Tree Code. He said even though Colbert's project is completely on the inside of the house, it triggers a requirement to plant street trees in the right-of-way between her home and the street.

"I feel like I'm being punished now and now I have to invest more time and money to something I don't even want," said Colbert.

Ross said there is no appeal process, but Colbert may be able to get an administrative review.

Ross said the city won't change the fact that she'll still have to plant the trees.
